Strive Wealth Builders

A Self-Help Wealth Building Platform for Real Estate Investors

No Membership Fee to Join!

We Give Back

SWB Delivers Outreach Program, a nonprofit organization, is our extended arm to help our communities and families live better lives.

The Housing Crisis Attack

In collaboration with local Non-Profits, City, State, and Government Agencies, join Strive Wealth Builders movement to form alliances with housing advocates and real estate developers/investors to produce 500 affordable units in the Bay Area for low-income households by year-end 2021.


Strive Wealth Builders joined 1,670 investors and raised over $100,000 to support toilet installations in Northern Ghana in 2019.

Check Out the Brooklyn Arms Apartments & Navigation Center Rehab Project in Oakland, CA.

Please donate to this project. It's tax-deductible and proceeds are directed to the project asset manager.

Yay! Concluded. Please help us by donating gently used coats for homeless and low-income families. Strive Wealth Builders Inc., SWB Delivers is hosting a coat drive on Saturday, December 19, 2020, from 11 am to 2 pm at Strive Wealth Builders in Albany, California.

2020 Coat Drive

Want to Volunteer?  Fill out the volunteer form